Myra Shoub, Honorary Member

Myra is an original member and one of the CGC kiln technicians and instructors. She has been experimenting with fused glass for 12 years, both in Chicago and New Jersey. She incorporates airbrushing techniques, screen - printing, kilncasting and welding into her fused glass art and multi-media projects. 

She can usually be found staffing open studio, loading and programming kilns, creating glass Judaic art, teaching the occasional workshop, and going out for coffee. Her work can be found at the Illinois Holocaust Museum gift shop, as well as other shops around the Chicago area, and the occasional art fair.

The works below are pieces Myra made while at Chicago Glass Collective. Sadly she passed away on May 20, 2018. We all miss her very much. She was my right hand and dear friend for over 8 years.